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Book Reviews of the Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 7, Number 3, 2008

Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 7, Number 3 (2008): 568–570

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568 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 7, No.3 568 Book Reviews of the Southeastern Naturalist, Issue 7/3, 2008 The Golden Mouse: Ecology and Conservation. Gary W. Barrett and George A. Feldhamer (Eds.). 2008. Springer, New York. 239 pp. $79.95, hardcover. ISBN 9780387336657. A concise scholarly volume that summarizes the natural history of the Golden Mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli), a rare species throughout much of its geographic range in the southeastern US. Chapters are hierarchically organized into natural history, population, community, ecosystem, and landscape levels-of-organization with discussions of biological, ecological, and evolutionary processes that transcend these levels. Golden Mice have evolved strategies and behaviors that permit them to survive in both natural and disturbed ecosystems and landscapes; this compilation of years of research on this rare species allows for a much clearer understanding of the ecological processes at work and future challenges and research opportunities. Highly recommended reading for students and professionals in mammalogy, ecology, wildlife biology, as well as readers with an interest in natural history. G.M. Trees, Shrubs, and Vines of Arkansas, Second Edition. Carl G. Hunter. 1989. The Ozark Society Foundation, Little Rock, AR. 207 pp. $24.95, hardcover. ISBN 0912456183. This guide begins with an introduction providing useful background information on the history of botanical investigations in Arkansas, plant status, nomenclature, use, and regional descriptions of the State. There is no key provided, but brief family descriptions are given. The 325 species descriptions are organized by family, and 258 of them are illustrated with full-color photographs. Recommended for those interested in a comprehensive overview of the woody fl ora of the Arkansas region. K.G. Turtles of the Southeast. Kurt Buhlmann, Tracey Tuberville, and Whit Gibbons. 2008. The University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA. 252 pp. $22.95, softcover. ISBN 9780820329024. This guide to the 42 species of turtles found in the southeast is full of interesting facts and color photographs of turtles in the wild. There are only 14 species native to the US that are not found in this region. The text begins with a chapter on basic turtle biology that covers all aspects of a turtle’s life and is followed by a chapter on turtle habitats in the southeast. Species accounts make up the majority of the text. Each includes several photographs that clearly show the carapace and the plastron with close up photos of key characters. Discussion in each account includes a general description, variation and taxonomic issues, hatchlings, confusing species, distribution and habitat, behavior and activity, food and feeding, reproduction, predators and defense, and conservation issues. Range maps show the continental US with a close up of the southeastern region. Carapace shape is shown as a silhouette from front, side, and top. Brief accounts are given for the 14 species found outside the region, and a final chapter is devoted to people and turtles. This very accessible, informative, and beautiful book will be appreciated by turtle enthusiasts living anywhere in the US. C.R. The Chocolate Tree: A Natural History of Cacao. Allen M. Young. 2007. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 218 pp. $24.95, softcover. ISBN 9780813030449. This is a revised and expanded edition of the text first published in 1994. The natural history of cacao is explored, including how its range and speciation were undoubtedly infl uenced by the people who have long found uses for the pulp of the seedpod and sometimes the seed. Young reviews the history of cacao cultivation and details the current state of cacao production in the Americas and Costa Rica. The discussion includes Book Reviews 2008 569 the social, political, and environmental implications of current and historic cultivation. An intriguing chapter describes the author’s own studies on cacao pollination. A final chapter looks at cacao production in the context of ecological preservation. A bibliography is provided. C.R. Dropsy, Dialysis, Transplant: A Short History of Failing Kidneys. Steven J. Peitzman. 2007. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. 213 pp. $24.95, hardcover. ISBN 9780801887345. Written by a nephrologist and historian, this book examines the history of kidney disease, those who studied and treated it as well as those who experienced it. From the earliest treatment of watery swellings, or dropsy, to the advent of dialysis and kidney transplant, Peitzman traces the understanding of various kidney diseases resulting in uremia, their diagnoses and their treatments. Using historical accounts by patients and more commonly physicians, the reader is drawn in to the lives of those touched by kidney disease. Understanding the disease in its various forms advances chronologically as technology improves and better tools are developed such as the microscope and the biopsy needle. This is a general interest book that takes the reader into a highly specified field of discovery and treatment. Extensive notes and a bibliography are included. C.R. Biology of the Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina). Anthony C. Steyermark, Michael S. Finkler, and Ronald J. Brooks (Eds.). 2008. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. 225 pp. $60, hardcover. ISBN 9780801887246. This book presents all that is known about the Snapping Turtle. Taxonomy and systematics are addressed, including fossil history, skull description, literature review of morphology, and molecular insights. Aspects of physiology, energetics and growth are also covered including reproductive physiology, ecology and physiology of overwintering, embryos and incubation period, and growth patterns. Topics including nesting ecology, water relations, sex determination, population biology, and genetics are discussed in the final part of the book on ecology and life history. An extensive references section is provided for the volume. This book will interest herpetologists, biologists, and naturalists. C.R. Science and the Garden: The Scientific Basis of Horticultural Practice, Second Edition. David S. Ingram, Daphne Vince-Prue, and Peter J. Gregory. 2008. Blackwell, Publishing, Malden, MA. 350 pp. $50, softcover. ISBN 1405160632. Suitable for horticulture students, practicing horticulturists, and gardeners, this clearly written, updated text covers the science behind many horticultural practices. Topics covered include plant structure and function, reproduction, taxonomy, selecting and breeding, soil, light and water, propagation from seed, and vegetative propagation. Shape and size of plants, production of color and scent, climate, weather and seasonal effects and maturation, ripening, and storage are also discussed. A very detailed chapter on gardening in the greenhouse is included along with chapters on plant pests and weeds, and controlling undesirables. New to this edition are chapters on plant diversity, conservation, and sustainable gardening, gardens and the natural world, and gardens for science. Although written from a British perspective, this book has wide application due to its wide scope and lack of highly technical language. Color photos, diagrams, and text boxes are very helpful, as is an extensive glossary. C.R. Book Reviewers: K.G. = Keith Goldfarb, G.M. = Glen Mittelhauser, C.R. = Cathy Rees. 570 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 7, No.3